I wanted something that I can use with jQuery selectors, and I came across a very cool node js plugin called node.io. The plugin is a screen scaper records the source and lets you query using jQuery like selectors.
Let's have a look at the code shall we?
File: server.js
var http = require('http'); var URL = require('url'); var nodeio = require('node.io'); var port = 8081; var gigParkSearchJobOptions = {timeout : 10}; var gigParkSearchJob = { input: false, run: function (keyword) { var phone = this.options.args[0]; this.getHtml("http://www.gigpark.com/?search=" + phone + "&commit=Search&city", function (err, $) { var results = $('h3 .search-results b').text.toLowerCase(); this.emit('Results found: ' + results); }); } }; /** * Main http serve method. */ function serve() { var serv = http.createServer(function(req, res) { var url = URL.parse(req.url); if (req.method == 'GET' && url.pathname == '/gigpark_search') { res.statusCode = 200; //query looks like this: 'q=1234567890, so we split it. var phoneNum = url.query.split('=')[1]; console.log('query is: ' + phoneNum); nodeio.start(new nodeio.Job(gigParkSearchJobOptions, gigParkSearchJob), [phoneNum], function(err, output) { console.log('result is: ' + output); res.write(JSON.stringify(output)); res.end(); }, true); } else { res.statusCode = 404; res.end("Sorry, page not found."); } }); serv.listen(port); } console.log("Starting server..."); serve();
Basically this code create an http server with a path of /gigpark_search which takes a query parameter. We then parse the parameter value, and then send it in as a paramter to a node.io job. It then fetches the search page and parses the html and gives me the value of var results = $('h3 .search-results b').text, which is an integer.
So if one makes a query with this url: http://localhost:8081/gigpark_search?q=7788911331
One would see a response like this: ["Results found: 1"].
Of course, my next step is to make it into a JSON response, but for illustration I just wanted to put some result in.